SocialShield® Features

Social media compliance is no easy task for the financial industry. Keeping track of all your company affiliated profiles, meeting archival requirements, and making sure your online presence is up to regulatory snuff, can be a time consuming and costly process. See how our features can bring you peace of mind:  


Account Discovery

The most important part of an effective social media monitoring and compliance campaign is to identify the social media accounts that need to be monitored. Automated social media account discovery is the only way to ensure that you find the accounts before your regulators do.

content alerts

Content Alerts

Once ActiveComply has automatically discovered your social media profiles, we will scan each profile and post. If a problem is found, you will be alerted immediately through the ActiveComply dashboard and optionally by email.

image scanning

Image Scanning

Our technology extracts text from all of the social media images posted by the people in your organization. We want you to see the whole picture without any blind spots.


Equal Housing Logo Detection

The Fair Housing Act (FHA) prohibits discrimination against borrowers for a variety of factors. One key way to signal to regulators that you are aware of and compliant with these prohibitions is by making sure your accounts clearly and prominently display the required Equal Housing logo.


Missing NMLS ID Detection

Regulators commonly cite mortgage lenders for NMLS IDs that are missing from their social media profiles. ActiveComply scans the profiles and the cover photo image and notifies you if it is not found.


Inappropriate Language Alerts

Our system finds posts with inappropriate language, both in post text content and the attached images. ActiveComply can help you protect your brand identity and manage your online presence on one universal platform.

Executive reporting

Executive Reporting

Get the metrics that are most important to your executive team. Identify industry trends for the past 6 months or the past 7 days, isolate negative customer reviews, see what your sales team is talking about the most, find the employee accounts that may need more compliance training, and more.



Did you know that online posts can be considered advertisements? ActiveComply helps you meet industry archiving requirements with your online history only a click away. 

continued support

Continued Support

Keep the ball rolling - maintain all your social media compliance needs on an ongoing basis, with new hires automatically added for your review and new trigger terms continually included to match industry and social trends.